Brand Strategy: A Must for Every Business, Big or Small
Whether you’re a small startup or an established business, taking the time to build a thoughtful brand strategy sets the foundation for your growth and future success
The Art of Storytelling - using your brand to capture your customers
Your business branding should be as engaging and riveting as an Austen classic. Here’s how to make that happen.
Why you need a lead magnet on your site
Building an email list is the ultimate way to connect with your audience.
Enduring Brand Design. How to outlast the latest trends.
Enduring brand design is memorable for its unique and classic styling, not for following the latest trend. Here’s how to stay relevant.
Breaking down brand jargon, one acronym at a time!
Okay people let’s talk acronyms, because while we may think we sound smarter filling our conversations with acronyms, I tend to think it doesn’t exactly work like that...
The problem with all the free design templates out there
They may seem great at first but, those free design templates may in fact, be doing your business branding a disservice.
How to Nail your Web Copy
To keep your customers on your site you need to clearly articulate your value proposition in just 10 seconds!