How to Nail your Web Copy - The Design Order

How to Nail your Web Copy

How to Nail your Web Copy

Photo by William Moreland on Unsplash




To keep your customers on your site you need to clearly articulate your value proposition in just 10 seconds. That’s right, ten seconds.

I realise some particularly gifted people can run 100m in less time but to me, ten seconds is not particularly long.

On a website a lot of things need to happen within this ten seconds to ensure your customers stay focussed and engaged. As well as clearly stating your value proposition your website needs to load quickly and be designed and structured in a way that speaks to your different target markets.

With that in mind, let’s walk through the 4 ways you can nail your web copy and hook those customers. Leaving them feeling like they have found the best ever solution for them!


1. Know who you’re talking to (and make it all about them):


By now you should know who your target market is so, speak to them! Use their style of language, know what they like to read and use this knowledge to craft your message specifically for the people that interact most with your business.

Know your audience, know their needs and speak directly to them.

Stay aware of the problem you’re solving for them and ensure you’re addressing it. You know what it is that keeps them up at night so this is your chance to position yourself as the best solution.


2. Know your keywords:


What are your customers typing into Google in order to find you? Your audience is looking to solve a problem that you can help them with! Use your knowledge of this to guide your initial keyword selection. The next step is to then use current trends for search terms related to your business and sprinkle them throughout your content. Not only will it help your audience find what they need fast, you’ll give your SEO a healthy boost as well.

If you’re looking for all the information and expertise on SEO, I’d highly recommend one of Kate Toon’s amazing courses for small business owners. Check them out here >


3. Plan your page strategically:


With content that flows – remember the 10 second rule? Help your users find what they want, fast! Your value proposition should be clearly stated, along with your points of benefit, towards to the top of your page followed by credibility statements to back up your messaging.

Good questions to ask yourself:

  • What will your users want to know about your product or service?
  • Why are they coming to your site?
  • How can you demonstrate to them that your solution is the best?


4. Structure your content so it can be scanned –


Fact: 79% of people searching the web won’t read your page, they’ll just scan it for the information they’re looking for.

People don’t leisurely read web pages like they do a novel. In fact, you’re probably scanning this page right now! I see you searching for the highlights and the bits that are relevant to you, and I’m totally cool with that.

To ensure your audience can find what they need, your writing needs to be incredibly clear and super focused. In other words, you don’t want big blocks of copy on your pages and you want to write content which makes good use of:

  • short passages of captivating content
  • highlighted keywords throughout your page
  • meaningful sub-headings (using your keywords)
  • bulleted lists
  • punchy leading sentences in every paragraph
  • varied vocabulary to avoid repetition


Now that you have these tips in your toolkit, do you look at your website differently? Are there ways you can make the most of your ten seconds? I’d love to hear your thoughts!




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