If your brand walked into a bar, what would they order?


Picture this: you’re meeting a friend for a drink. They’ve just DM’d to let you know they’re running a few minutes late. Rather than waiting for them to arrive, you head to the bar for two glasses of rosé. In fact, you grab an antipasto plate to share as well, they’ve obviously had a big day and you know how much they love an olive… or two!


When it comes to your friends and family, you just get them. Right?

You’ve spent hours upon hours learning what they like and what they don’t. You’ve had enough passionate discussions to understand what they believe in and you’re well aware of the type of people who are drawn to those similar discussions.


But, what about your brand?

I mean, it’s your brand after all. You created it. You know it intimately…don’t you?

There are plenty of businesses out there who are unfamiliar with their own brand identity so if you don’t, you’re certainly not alone. However, if brand personality isn’t something you’ve considered, now is the time to start. To really get deep and personal with your brand, I’d suggest you ask yourself these questions:


How does your target audience talk? And, how will they want your brand to sound?

What is the type of language which will resonate with them? Obviously I’m not talking about German vs Mandarin but, if you’re trying to use industry jargon which has absolutely no context for your target audience, I might as well be!


What is it about your product or service that appeals to your audience? And, what problem will you solve?

Now that you know how to speak to your market, it’s time to address that key issue that only you can solve for them. By accurately identifying their need, you’re showing your understanding and highlighting your value. Let people know what benefits your product or service is going to offer THEM.


But, why you? What proof do you have to support your offering?

Here is where you can roll out your achievements, qualifications and glowing reviews. If your market can hear from people just like them, your value grows exponentially.


What words will your target audience use when they search for you?

It’s all good and well to call yourself a home hygienist however, if your target demographic really just wants a cleaner, then you’re better off sticking to that. Optimise your content to ensure that those people looking for you can easily find you.


Once you’ve walked through questions like these, it’s easy to see the personality of your brand beginning to take shape. I don’t know about you but, I’m starting to think gin and tonic may well be its drink of choice!

These are just a snippet of some of the considerations you’ll be guided through when you grab your free download of The Essential Branding Workbook >

Once you’ve seen it, I think you’ll agree that it is the ultimate resource to enable you to nail down exactly who your business is, what it is you stand for and who you’re here to help. It covers absolutely EVERYTHING you should know to ensure your business branding is on point.

So, what do you think? Has this helped you to discover the personality of your brand? I’d love to hear your thoughts, please get in touch here >

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